Frequently Asked Questions

We offer our affiliate partners a share of our revenue through the placement of an affiliate link or a booking widget on their website. When your customers click this link and book a rental car in the following 365 days, we will pay you a commission.

A visitor on your site clicks on your affiliate link and lands on The Yucatan Sun. Each unique click is saved. If that person books a hotel or flight and completes their booking. If the customer returns and books another hotel you will also get a percentage of our profit. All transactions are monitored using Post Affiliate Pro.

Each link contains a unique tracking code.

No! Our affiliate bookings are absolutely free.

The pandemic has undoubtedly hit the travel industry hard resulting in numerous cancellations and a significant decline in future bookings. At The Yucatan Sun we follow the ongoing situation and adapt to the circumstances while being honest with both our customers and our partners. Despite the uncertainty of the situation, we remain financially stable and reliable.